
The target local communities we represent and serve are our major partners. Others include local and international stakeholders and/or donors intervening and operating in and around Korup National Park who share our vision and with whom we have been directly or indirectly involved in realisation of our objectives.


Local Partners


Local communities

Local councils (Cooperation agreements under implementation)

Ministry of forestry and wildlife (MINFOF)

Korup National Park Management

Programme for sustainable management of natural resources in the southwest region (PSMNR-SWR)

Ministry of Basic education (MINEDUB)

Ministry of environment, nature protection and sustainable development (MINEPDED)

Ministry of agriculture and rural development (MINADER)

WWF Coastal forest programme, Cameroon

German Technical Cooperation (GIZ), Cameroon

Climate Finance and development, Cameroon (CLIMDEV-CAM; Consultancy partnership - 1000 USD)


International Partners


Wildlife Research and Conservation Unit (WildCRU), Oxford University, UK

James Madison University (JMU), Virginia, USA

Cornell University, New York, USA

Max Plank Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany (1 year project; 9,200 USD)

Workgroup Endangered Species Conservation, Georg-August University Göttingen, Germany

University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA

SAVE Wildlife Conservation Fund (500 USD)




Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP ; 15,000 USD) 

Darwin Initiative (Ongoing 3 years project in partnership with Oxford university, James Madison and Cornell University, PSMNR; 35,000 USD by April 2015) 

PSMNR-SWR (Ongoing cooperation; 25,000 USD by Dec. 2014) 

German Development Service (GIZ), Cameroon (Two local subvention projects: 8,000 USD)

US Fish and wildlife (Ongoing project; 10,700 USD by Dec. 2014)